December 24, 2022


Boost Your Website Traffic

Top 10 Email Subject Lines to Grow Your Business In 2023

Email is an excellent marketing tool for businesses to expand their client base and grow their venture. A well-planned email campaign can quickly generate interest in your product or service. Besides, recipients prefer it, with 73% of millennials stating that email is their preferred method of business communication.

However, if you want to maximize the success of your email, you must concentrate on the subject line. The reason is simple: 47% of emails are opened or discarded solely based on their subject line, emphasizing the importance of a compelling subject line.

That makes sense when you consider how many emails are sent each day. So, how do you craft the ideal email subject line that increases open rates? It all starts with a spark of imagination. This article will discuss 10 email subject lines to grow your business.


1.     Subject Line: I’ve Got an Idea For [Topic the Recipient Cares About]

People are always interested in free knowledge, especially when it is relevant to their interests. This subject line will require basic research before being sent, but it works. Fortunately, a reliable email automation service can help trigger and personalize your messages based on customers’ actions.

You could reach out with an idea on improving customers’ daily life while reducing the time your email specialists have to spend in the office or using a sales test to identify sales competencies. Alternatively, you can draw a picture of how the collaboration would work. Remember, make it exciting and worthwhile to read.


2.     Subject Line: Here’s a Free Resource For [Problem or Topic]

Is there a more enchanted word in English than ‘free’? It’s like listening to music. And if that freebie is also helpful or valuable, you’ve given your recipient a compelling reason to open and read. They’ll want to see what you have to offer them. However, be wary of the word ‘free,’ as it may be flagged by spam filters if it is accompanied by exclamation points, all-caps, or excessive emojis.


3.     Subject Line: Can I Help?

This subject line is brief and to the point. From the beginning of the relationship to the end, you must always be willing to assist your customers. This demonstrates that you are available and ready to help them with whatever they require.


4.     Subject Line: Loved Your Comment on [Post or Blog Name]

If you’re enriching the leads you’ve gathered, which you should be, you might come across some of the comments they’ve left on relevant blog posts, social media or websites. Choose one that is particularly insightful, intriguing, controversial, or entertaining and use it as an icebreaker in your subject line. It immediately demonstrates that you know something about them besides their email address.


5.     Subject Line: We Have [Insert Common Fact] in Common

Building a relationship is one of the goals of any email strategy. This subject line is based on a relationship that has yet to begin. Finding common ground with your recipient demonstrates a level of concern and interest that spam emails lack. Furthermore, your recipients are learning more about you, immediately making them feel more connected to you.


6.     Subject Line: [Name] Suggested I Reach Out to You

Few things are more powerful than a recommendation from a friend or family member. While we may not trust advertisements or promotional materials, 92% of us believe recommendations from people we know. Hence, make it clear in the subject line.

You are borrowing trust from a known individual rather than a stranger.


7.     Subject Line: A [Good Benefit] for [Recipient’s Company, Pain Point, etc.]

The ultimate goal of your sales email is to persuade a customer to make a purchase or persuade a client to contact you via a well-placed call to action. But why should that person contact you again? Even better, why should they buy your product? Outlining the benefits in your email is a good place to start, and including a benefit in your subject line gets the conversation started on the right foot.


8.     Subject Line: Feeling [Emotion]? I Can Help

Anyone who creates SaaS marketing content understands the significance of addressing an audience’s pain points. Your sales emails should be no different. What issues can you help your recipient with? Why do they require your product or service?

Spend some time getting to know your audience’s needs, and then use that knowledge to craft emails meant to help. This email will be a breath of fresh air in the inbox of prospects ready to accept assistance.


9.     Subject Line: Hey [Name], [Question]?

Answering a question for someone gives them a sense of accomplishment because they have the answer. It also feels good to be addressed by your first name. This subject line accomplishes both by quickly capturing your recipient’s attention.


10. Subject Line: Did You Find What You were looking For?

Did a visitor to your website sign up for your email list online? You may have potential customers who returned to your website but did not make a purchase. This subject line, which asks if they found a solution to their problem or the product they were looking for, is ideal for such people. If the answer is ‘no,’ they may contact you for assistance, allowing you to strengthen the relationship and improve the customer experience.



Email marketing is effective, with an average ROI of 4,300%. In addition to these subject lines, you will require a time-saving email tool to help you with email verification, data enrichment, and lead generation. Use these effective subject lines, and you’ll have a strategy that can’t fail.