December 24, 2022


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Can FUE Hair Transplant Regain the Growth of Natural Hairs?

Can FUE Hair Transplant Regain the Growth of Natural Hairs?

An FUE hair transplant is one of the most leading hair restorations of extracting hair follicles to advance results. These hair roots will form the hair grafts put into the bald patches to repair lost hair. For this method, a unique tool is used that has a hollow-like needle and a high-precision motor. This tool makes small punctures when extracting the hair roots but also causes minimal scarring on the head.

The individual donor hair transplant makes the FUE process of hair root extraction techniques more effective within hair restoration.

The Practical And Reliable FUE Techniques

  • Since the introduction of hair transplant, FUE techniques is more popular as it has enhanced the result.
  • Nowadays, 66% of hair treatment is carried out through this process, and it is used twice regardless of patient gender.
  • To achieve outstanding results, this technique is very appropriate for you.


How does FUE Hair Transplant Work?

 1.  Loosening and removal of the hair roots

Having FUE hair transplantation will first lose healthy and strong hair roots in the donor’s head. Then, a modern device effectively facilitates the hair follicles and protects them from any external damage. It also creates 0.7-0.8mm sized punctures around the donor’s hair root, thus appropriately preparing them for extraction.

Using specialist tweezers, each individual has to loosen the hair root is extracted from the donor’s head. The hair roots are then put into a nutrient-rich solution when the channels are formed.


2. Opening the Channels

In the recipient’s head, the channels are formed where the hair roots will be implanted. Thanks to the comprehensive expertise that the team of doctors has done, they know to arrange the channel openings for the maximum hair density to the head. In other ways, the channels are then opened beautifully to ensure a natural direction of hair growth.


3. Insertion of the Hair Roots

The hair graft roots are then removed, one after the other, from the solution that they have been resting in. Depending on the hair loss condition in the head, the patient hair transplant is carried out using the SDHI hair transplant techniques. This SDHI is a unique technique that developed which has achieved lead to results for women.


Follicular Unit Excision Advantages

Virtually invisible scars rather than making a more prominent scar on the back of the donor’s head, FUE hair transplant leads to making a tiny punch round to the back of your head. Every punch has a follicular unit. These punches leave small round-shaped scars on the head, unlike the long linear scars.

You’ll be able to quickly recover these FUE scars, even when having short haircuts. Just be aware that the scar can be visible if you choose to shave your head completely.


  • Minimal Pain after your Procedure

As small punches are made in your head skin, pain after your process is minimal. During the, an elliptical incision is made down into your skin where the hair bulbs are.

This incision requires staples because it can cause problems for several days. For FUE, you will not even need pain medication. But every patient is given treatment to ease the pain.


  • Less Downtime

Having less pain, the small punches also need less time to recover than linear scars. No scalpels are used so that the patient’s wounds will heal within few days.


  • Ensures a Natural-looking Hairline

FUE will leave you with a natural-looking hairline, and a significant part of your head will be hair. In addition, improvement in transplant technology ensures that the transplanted hair will thoroughly look natural.


  • Less Risk of Complications

When you have an FUE hair transplant, much guesswork and manual labor with other hair transplant processes are recovered in a robotic speed and precision.

It shows fewer effects of complications and few scarring and short downtime. We believe this article helped you learn if this treatment will be proper for you.



  • Must Shave the Entire Patient Head

You will have to shave the entire head, the other sides, and back to the scalp for most FUE hair transplant processes.

When you aren’t wearing your hair in a short style, we approve of you getting a “transitional” haircut that is smaller than your usual style. To prepare for the time after your process when the hair will be growing back. If you have a short or medium-sized FUE treatment, you may be able to keep your hair longer in the process.

  • The Larger Patient area was Used

The patient area for FUE is more significant than for FUT. While behind, your scalp is typically harvested during FUT. Your doctor may tap into the upper, lower Side of your donor area to get the correct amount of grafts for FUE.

  • More Fragile and Transected Grafts

The grafts that have been extracted during FUE look to be more fragile than those during FUT. The grafts include the hair follicle, bulb, and a small amount of surrounding hair tissue.

These hair roots can be more fragile because they can contain slightly less protective dermis and fat dissected by hand. Also, FUE is a “blind” process, meaning that the tool used to harvest the grafts cannot see inside the skin to know the location of the hair bulb.

Therefore, you can also expect to lose a few of the hairs harvested due to transection or cutting of the hair above the bulb’s level.

  • Typically more Expensive

The FUE process looks more expensive than another process due to the technology involved in FUE hair transplants.



FUE hair transplant is the best hair restoration treatment for those people looking to regrow their hair and cure their self-confidence issues. This surgery is the best and only long-term cure for hair loss that does not adversely affect you. Many patients have benefited from this life-changing technique as it also makes hair look like natural hair.


Author Bio=>Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.